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"Harnessing the Power of the Fire Element and Sun Energy for High Vibrations"

Fire element.

God created the sun, forever giving us light, energy, and heat. 

We can see the energy of God in its entirety in the sun. God created the sun to make all of creation happen. 

Without the sun and the fire, there would be no light, no creation, no circulation of the energy. 

The sun's energy equals one part of God’s highest energy; it is His mirrorism (reflection).

 Like a mirror, He sees His reflection through all of creation. 

Through the sun, the fire comes to the earth in the form of sun rays. 

The fire energy comes to the earth, evaporating water into steam and spreading huge vibrations to the universe.

Suppose you go in front of a lake in the early morning hours and see a lot of heat and steam coming out. In the steam is a lot of energy a lot of vibrations. The fire element is heating the water temperature, giving the vibrations. It’s changing the cosmic energy into high positive energy.

The flame is the tiny symbol of the huge light of God. It’s a portion of God’s light, burning in every part of creation.

Candlelight is symbolic of the energy of God. Suppose you put a candle in your dark room in your home – no electricity, only a candle. When you see the candlelight automatically you feel the love in your heart. Suppose if you see a hundred candle lights. This is gorgeous.

*Fire element - you can charge high blessing energy through eye power. Also, you can remove, wash negative energy thought eye to look at fire.

*If you want to know more information how to work with Fire element, please contact us at

*From teaching Sri Kaleshwar Swami.

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