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"Exploring the Power of Earth Elements: Vibrations, Energy, and Healing"

Earth element. (Sense of smell)

The natural Earth has magnetic power of different types; enormous energy is embodied in this.

Naturally, certain types of huge vibrations flow by radiating energy.

 Then, the Earth's energy automatically protects them, making them big happiness.  

The Earth is so beautiful; creation is so beautiful. When we look at the mountains or anything in nature, seeing all the many beautiful things, our hearts are completely softened by divine energy. When this happens, it is easy to attract the Earth's energy. Whoever connects to the Earth's energy will automatically receive great happiness and peace.

People can live on the Earth with great joy. Even though they face the biggest problems, they receive the strength and courage needed to deal with them. Even though they have problems, without even noticing them, they no longer care about their problems, and the problems will decrease; this type of happiness will take good care of that.

This is the happiness that comes through the Earth's vibrations.

The Earth's energy and the soul's energy connect to each other.

Then, the Earth's energy automatically protects them, making them happy.

 Earth elements ground and bring healing ability.


-Walk barefoot on the soil to bring more energy to yourself. ( you charging high positive energy)

-Hold the soil in your hands, or touch the ground, and say, "I released all stress from my body." And peacefully meditate. 

*For serious mind/body problems, you can charge Earth elements with a special process, including chanting Mantras and using Mala. If you are interested to know more information, please contact us at 

*From teaching Sri Kaleshwar Swami.

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